
  • The Information Marketing Manifesto

    Information Marketing is an approach to marketing that is focused on informing and educating an audience and putting them in a position to make an educated decision about what products and services to buy. Unlike traditional marketing, Information Marketing explicitly avoids coercion and persuasion and anything “salesy”. Principles of Information Marketing Information Marketing is NOT…

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  • Why would customers pay if you give them answers for free?

    As advocates of Information Marketing, we encourage our clients to give knowledge away, to help customers free of charge. For some, this seems counter intuitive. But its not. If you’re a lawyer, knowing the the law is only part of your job. Your clients is also paying you to understand their problems, and to diligently…

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  • How a law website should be structured

    Law firms are an information-first business. There are no definites and every rule is made to be broken. Every firm is different and should take a different approach. Having said that, there are a principles which we consider to be defaults. You can deviate, but if in doubt we think this is a good starting…

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  • Legal Flowchart – A better way to explain the law

    Creating legal guides that truly serve the reader Lawyers and legal marketers need to be more deliberate and thoughtful about how they communicate legal information. We tend to default to certain patterns that we’re comfortable with. A lawyer’s writing style is trained first in law school, writing academic essays to impress lecturers. Then once they’re…

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