Why service professionals should share their knowledge freely online

Why lawyers and (and other expert advisors) should share their knowledge freely online:

  1. You are in the information business. It stands to reason that you need to be active in the information marketplace (i.e. the internet). If you want to participate, you need to share useful information, not keep it to yourself.
  2. The more you share your expertise, the easier it is for your potential clients to find you.
  3. For those who do not like hard selling, content marketing is ideal because it is non-intrusive, non-pushy, and genuinely helpful to people. It just happens to attract customers as a by-product of helping them.
  4. Writing about your areas of expertise makes you better at articulating your knowledge. The skill of writing carries over into everything else you do as a knowledge professional.
  5. Clients do their own research online before contacting an advisor. If you do not provide helpful information, your prospective clients will get it elsewhere.

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